When it comes to the body’s reaction to cannabinoids, CBD is a leader. Many people are amazed at the body’s reaction to CBD and even more amazed at the fact that CBD doesn’t show up as a visible result on the blood test. The reason for this is that CBD is an extremely fast entering ingredient into the body’s cells, so it does not remain in the body long enough to accumulate like other drugs do. As a result, there is no CBD product on the market that can be tested for presence of CBD.
But CBD doesn’t react with many common chemicals like many other drugs do. For example, most prescription medications, which are typically pharmaceutical grade, do not react with CBD. But, CBD is uniquely different and can react with certain chemicals like amphetamines and MDMA (ecstasy) in the same way that it would with antidepressants. People take this fact into account when deciding whether or not to try a CBD supplement. If you are taking any type of prescription drug, then it should always be remembered that any drug you take should be investigated for possible interactions with any other medicine you may be taking.
Not only is CBD a ‘fast’ entering substance into the body’s cells, but it is also very unstable. Most CBD products are in pill form, which means that the reaction between the CBD and the other ingredients in the pill can cause the CBD to break down into simple compounds that the body can’t handle. These compounds often produce the ‘high’, but the body’s reaction to these compounds can mean that the user will experience symptoms like nausea, sleep problems and drowsiness. This combination of factors makes CBD a poor choice for anyone planning to use it for long periods of time.
So, we know that CBD doesn’t interact well with many common chemicals, but what about CBD products that are oil-based? The body’s reaction to these types of products is different again. Some experts claim that the body’s reaction to coconut oil is to detoxify it rather than detoxify it. The theory goes that the ‘natural’ fats in the oil act as a scaffold to help the body remove toxins through the skin. This sounds like a good theory, but as with everything in life, there’s always a caveat. For all we know, the coconut oil created a ‘miracle cure’ for some kind of incurable disease, but there’s no proof that it worked.